Friday, June 15, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Happiness is finishing your first assignment for Introduction to Information Technologies. We each had to incorporate references from Connotea and EndNoteWeb into a folder. I decided on copyright law as my topic. I knew virtually nothing about it until I began my assignments for my two classes, so I thought that would be a good choice.

Well, it's one of many things about which I know nothing. I have to admit that the syllabus for LIS 2600 was frightening when I first looked at it. Now, bit by bit, I know I'll get through it. I only wish that I didn't have to go through everything so quickly. How is it that some of my classmates are working ahead?

I want to go back and actually read the articles that I found. At least I now have a good set of sources, and they will help me to answer the Understanding Information class discussion question for the week of July 9.

Maybe I should treat myself to an extra hour of sleep tonight!

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